Monday, June 9, 2008

Chapter 15

The Fyre Chronicles: The Parody

Complaint about spelling count = 15

San Ting squinted against the harsh light reflecting off the enormous tower. Briefly he reached down and checked to see if his gun was operation smoothly. A sharp click told him that the weapon was in good condition. I was rare for anyone from the Tempest to have something from the regular world because it would involve dealing with the normal people. Something that most of the Tempest avoided. Most goods were salvaged material from missions but that didn’t happen a great deal. This problem however created and opening for the weakest of the Tempest sects to fill. Steam. Although most people didn’t like to look at it in this manner, Fyre and Yce both knew they relied on Steam to acquire goods from outside.

Why? Because due to Steam’s abilities, they proved to be excellent thieves. As immoral as it sounded, in order to keep the population of the Tempest sustained and happy sometimes it would require some technology that most didn’t have the money for because people didn’t wander from the sect’s sanctuaries or work with regula humans. Although the Sanctuaries were self-sustainable and food could be produced, beds, utensils, metals and all manner of objects were needed to be brought in, Steam, could get it all. In this way an economy run on “favours” was built. Despite the declining numbers of Steam (due to failing conditions that caused the birth of someone with Steam) they had the strongest ‘economy’ of the Tempest. In this way they could barter for their territory than fight for it. The advantage of a gun was that it could kill faster then a Tempest power. It also meant that it gave civilians some thing within their understanding to fear, saving the trouble of putting on a light show to scare them away from a battle. {Besides} Ting thought {You were no less dead by a bullet then burned with Fyre}.

San Ting looked up at the tower that appeared to be made solely of glass, probing its defences with Fyre. Taking a heavy breath Ting started out for the tower. Quickly flexing his fingers Ting sent a message to Defnop who was currently waiting 50km away on the peak of the over looking mountain . After a few moments Defnop replied Ting grimaced at he and Defnop’s joke that nobody else understood and then marched towards the tower. Ting walked in feeling secure that if there was a problem Defnop could pull him out of it before things got out of hand. Entering the lobby elevator he selected the highest floor and leaned back against the wall of the empty elevator.

Ting ran the plan though his mind again. He was to go to the council that had been called up to discuss the implications of the emending war and to see if he could negotiate a way to avoid blood shed. Defnop would be his backup in case the negotiations went sour. The cheesy elevator music was making it hard to think, Ting flicked his eye towards the speakers. The music died in a low warble as the player insides melted into a blob of copper and silicon. With a slight smile Ting stepped from the elevator as the doors opened in a lone corridor leading to the meeting area. The small hall was obviously chosen to intimidate people who were arriving so that who ever was holding the conference had a slight fear factor advantage. {Politicians} Ting thought {such drama queens}.

The room the council was being held in was actually a large soaring room. The corners were elaborately gilded and there was a large sweeping window at the far end of the room. It was obvious that the decorations were intended to put those entering in awe. Ting was in no mood for gazing around dumbstruck, today things could well decide the span and quality of lives for the next fifty or so generations. Everyone looked grim, as though being lead to execution. It was could be seen to be obvious that nobody wanted war, but Ting had learned early on that most politicians could change in a matter of moments. Ting was after all the Chronicler; it was his business to know how history had failed us and how to prevent it from happening again. Of course Ting also knew that history had a tendency to repeat itself. After all the tiresome introductions were made the council was seated. Ting listened as slowly the other representatives gave their standings as a community. There wasn’t really much to be learned, it was mainly things such as how high on the social status bar they were and what in general was happening in the world. The Yce delegates did briefly touch on Rawr’s previous mission. Ting told them that when both Fyre and Steam were finished with the prisoner that the prisoner would be returned to Yce who would be permitted to dispense justice as they saw fit.

When finally Ting’s turn to speak for Fyre came he stood and stared out beyond the window. He had spent a great deal of time during the presentations trying to settle the anxiety he felt, he hoped Edot was right about what he had said with Yce knowing of a Chosen. Clearing his throat Ting ground his teeth before he said “Now apparently as Yce is aware there his been a Chosen born into Fyre…” Ting stopped as the room went deathly silent. “What? I thought that at lest Yce knew.” A Steam delegate spoke up “And is it dead” his voice was edged with fury. Ting considered “Um…no”. With those two words the room exploded into an uproar. This in itself wasn’t so bad. But when one of the Yce ambassadors lost control and sent a slivery spar of Yce across the room then things became a deadly chaos as everyone opened up at the new threat. Ting didn’t waste time fighting; instead he sprinted towards the window. Pulling out the gun he had he sent three rounds through the glass, shattering it. With a quick flex of his fingers he sent Defnop a urgent message

Original post:

Chapter 14

The Fyre Chronicles: The Parody

Complaint about spelling count = 14

Edot sat before the Admin with a steaming hot plate of bacon before him. Edot glanced up at the assembled Admin. “So…what are we looking for this time?” he asked. Pete immediately spoke up “I’m sure that you’ve heard of Rawrs success in the north yes? Well, we managed to extract some information from the Yce he captured and we now know that there is an Yce meeting in this remote area of Rwanda, Africa.” He said gesturing to the screen. Edot raised an eyebrow. “Really? I thought the Yce tended to linger in cold regions. Why would they set up camp somewhere warm. It does dampen there power and all y’know” Pete nodded. “Evidently they hoped that this kind of thinking would throw us off target. If Rawr hadn’t succeeded we’d be clueless.” Edot considered this for a moment before answering. “What about the anomaly?” Pete stared “Who?” “The new kid, the Chosen, the anomaly. What about him?” it was a long pause before Cookiecups answered for Pete. “How do you know of the Chosen?” Edot shrugged “After all that has happened, It wasn’t that hard to piece together the clues, and after the way you’ve reacted the truth was quite obvious.” Brett and Gu exchanged sidelong glances before Pete interjected “The Chosen needs to learn to control his gift, if we set him lose now then we’re going to have trouble on a catastrophic level. For now it would be best if we ignored him.” Edot blanched “Ignore him! You know what the Prophesy foretold! I don’t care what kind of person he is; he is a threat to everything we’ve worked for! If you let that…thing, live, your plunging the world into war. You of all people should know about that!” “Edot” Pete said slowly “Chosen exist to rectify disharmony between the sects of the Tempest. Something terrible has happened and if we…exterminate…this Chosen then we are doing ourselves a disservice.” Edot looked shocked “But the Treaty, you would have killed Chosen before, so would have all the other sects! Don’t you recall that the Treaty’s core revolved around eliminating these anomalies so that nobody could start a war and win for certain? Why is this one any different? You leave him be and the world will descend into chaos.” Pete growled in frustration. “Look we will deal with the Chosen later but for now we need you to look into that Yce meeting.” Edot threw up his hands in exasperation and reached down and picked up a piece of the bacon. With a withering glance at Pete he placed the bacon into his mouth and slowly began to chew. The intense flavour began to consume Edot’s senses. Edot let himself be taken up in the rush of sensations as the crisp bacon flooded his mouth with powerful taste. When the symphony of sensation reached its climax Edot felt something give, his spirt felt release, and then, he was free.

Edot rode the unseen curves of the transcendent Fyre. Edot could travel back and forward in time. He could be everywhere, nowhere or anywhere he wished. No place was safe from his scrutiny, some thing he exploited regularly. But now he had a destination, he soar towards it with frighting speed. I a few moments the exhilarating rush disappeared as Edot slowed to stop, hanging a few meters above a congregation of people. The ethereal Fyre avoided the figures and Edot felt a strange presence, Yce. Beneath him the Yce gathered, Edot could come on closer with so many packed together the area around them became oppressive as the effects of the small eddies of Yce became more pronounced the close they came, merging into a large void in the Fyre. The individually who was obviously the leader began to speak. As his words flowed forth Edots specteral eyes widened, he had just discovered something every important.

Four hours after Edot had consumed the bacon, his sagging body jerked as his sprit returned to it. Edot knew that time didn’t pass differently as he made out. But after this secret was uncovered by the Admin they had become very strict about when he could use it. After having spent a while simply enjoying himself flying around and talking those of the Fyre who were long since dead but now existed in the stream if ethereal Fyre, Edot felt ungainly and clumsy back in his body. After the freedom of his flight through Fyre, his body felt inhibiting, almost a prison. For the next few minute Edot staggered around the room trying to become accustom to the unnaturally weight of flesh. Eventually he turned towards the expecting Admin. They looked back expectantly, Edot wasn’t sure how he was to break this to them but he needed to do so. This was the major reason he had taken a short time to joyride before returning, he had needed to figure out how he was going to say this. Hardening his resolve against what he knew would be a negative response Edot spoke six fateful words “The Yce know about the Chosen”. The stunned silence was deafening. Edot continued, “They’re setting up preparations for the war they think is going to happen” the Admin continued to stare. Edot thought that if Pete’s eyebrow continued going up it would soon disappear altogether. Edot swallowed, “I told you so”. Finally the Admin seemed to be roused from their stupor. “But, how could they know of the existence of the Chosen!” someone said, “This is insane!” another voice broke out. Pete quietened them with a smouldering gaze. He turned back to face Edot. “Is this true? He asked. Edot looked back challengingly, “Yes”. Pete groaned, “It’s early days yet, perhaps we can avoid blood shed” he glanced at Gu. “Get the Chronicler and Defnop. I want them kitted out and ready to be out of here ASAP!” “Do we send Rawr as backup? Pete didn’t hesitate to answer “No, he isn’t the best at negotiations. And I don’t think that the Yce will appreciate us sending in someone who recently killed and captured two of their own” Gu nodded and went off to see to the preparations. Edot stepped in front of Pete and asked “But the Chosen, look Pete. I can see your reluctant to kill him but if you do then the problem goes away and this war won’t happen.” Pete looked at him and replied “I think you believe in that Prophesy to much. Think before you act Edot” and with that Pete shouldered passed him ignoring Edot’s cries of “Your making a big mistake Pete!”

Original post:

Chapter 13

The Fyre Chronicles: The Parody

Complaint about spelling count = 13

Hint: Just remember that the { and } brackets marks the main characters thoughts

Rawr trudged miserable through the snow towards the rear of the diner. That structure itself wasn’t very long, but the biting cold and the knee-deep snow made the short journey treacherous. Patches of ice made him slip occasionally. As he neared the back he turned around and looked forlornly up into the dark and gloomy sky. “Freeman you had better pull through or we’re going to have a long talk when this is through.” Rawr turned to face the door that he had been told of {Well. More like a long listen to me screaming in his face with all manner of insults} the thought cheered him as he stepped over the threshold of the door. The first thing he noticed in the room was the temperature. Suddenly the idea of being outside in near blizzard conditions seemed extremely inviting. Before him, Charlotte and Tom stood waiting, unconcerned about the indescribable chill. Playing the he asked with what he felt was a suitably surprised voice “What? Why’s it so cold in here?” Rawr’s teeth began to chatter, not a good sign. Charlotte’s smile was now one of menace. Without hesitation Tom raised his palm out to face Rawr. Rawr was almost thankful that he had been spared the agonises of a long-winded monolog that most people felt compelled to give and that the action had started. Before Tom could catch him in a blast of Yce Rawr through himself side ways. The nauseating cold beam of Yce narrowly missed him by mere centimetres. Crashing behind a large box, Rawr used his small moment of reprieve to squeeze the signalling knot of Steam in his pocket. Giving the little ball several generous pumps of the hand he released his grip. If he stayed here begging for help than he would be the Yce’s thrall in moments, Rawr intended to avoid such and eventuality for as long as possible. Instead his put his rough hands around the edges of the Solid cardboard box and heaved it at the two unsuspecting Yce. Whatever was in the box was clearly heavy because when it impacted with Tom’s chest it sent him flying across the room to impact with the wall that caused the foundations to shake. Rawr knew it wouldn’t be nearly enough to put the Yce down, but it would certainly hurt. He turned his attention to Charlotte who was staring dumbstruck at the box that now covered Tom. While she was distracted Rawr got in the first of his attacks, his fist whispered through the air before it made contact accompanied with a sickening crack. Fortunately for Rawr, most people with the power of the Tempest become so familiar with it that they don’t ever expect a physical assault. When somebody is ‘hurt’ by a Tempest power the damage usually comes in the form of fatigue and a waning of ones own power. Actual pian can cause some to completely switch off in surprise. Rawr knew this and had exploited this fact on several occasions before. With Charlottes nose broken, Rawr focused his attack there in an effort to send her blind with pian. After a few decisive thuds he turned his attention to Tom who was struggling to detangle himself from the box. Immediately Rawr left the howling blooded mass that was Charlotte and made a rush for Tom. Hearing the heavy footfalls Tom whipped his head up, followed closely by his hand. Rawr, nearly half way across the room tried to throw himself sideways. But on the slippery floor his couldn’t change directions fast enough to avoid the oncoming Yce. With his Fyre still dull, the Yce that clipped him felt like a lightning bolt that spun Rawr on his toes. Had the situation not been so serious Rawr’s comical spin would have caused anybody who knew him to collapse to the ground in tears, hardly able to breathe through the laughter. Now however was not in anyway comical. Rawr landed heavily. His wind knocked out of him he tried to rise only to his air forced from his lungs as the heavy box came crashing down on him. A side of the box split and brightly coloured plush unicorns spilled out onto the floor. Like the box they to had been frozen solid. Rawr reached out and scooped up a handful as he rolled out from under the box and up to a steady crouch. Tom was standing over him with a glint of victory in his eye. Rawr slowly slid his hand over the hard unicorn, feeling for its balance point as he watched Tom gleefully knowing he had Rawr dead-to-rights. Inside the icy chamber the action stopped. Everyone weighing up the odds. An eye of the storm. Rawr saw his chance and took it. As quickly as it had come, the eye passed over and the storm returned in full force. Rawr hardly felt the unicorn leave his hand, it spun across the room. Ice crystals glittered as the unicorn forged it’s way gracefully though the air. Tom fell, grasping his ruined eye. Rawr turned at a sound similar to the slow cracking of a wafer biscuit. Charlotte was on her feet, her right hand seemed to have morphed into a blade of Yce. “You want to do it like that!” she screamed at him “Then we’ll do it your way!” With that she threw herself at him, her blade rased high. {Oh come on this is ridicules!} Rawr thought as he did the only thing he could do. The Yce blade came whistling down as Rawr pulled two more of the Yce frozen unicorn plushies up and caught the blade with the horns. Charlotte attacked with a vengeance, her blade cutting in glistening arcs. With the Yce encrusted unicorns Rawr barely managed to ward her feverish attacks. {If this wasn’t so strange, one might find it epic} Rawr considered with mirth. The relentless attack was beginning to wear Charlotte down as her continued to try and force him into a corner. Rawr kept giving ground and defending. He knew that there was little chance he would succeed if he pressed an offensive now. Charlotte suddenly attacked with renewed vigour. Rawr though this was a sign she was tiring and that it was a last ditch effort to claim victory. It was only when Rawr felt a hand around his ankle did he realize he had fallen into a trap. Tom viciously pulled Rawr’s feet out from under him and sent Rawr sprawling to the ground. Rawr knew that they wear past playing with their prey now. All they cared for now was to finish him off. Someone grabbed his hood and wrenched him around to face them never even getting a look at their face before a fist crashed into his face. Rawr was thrown back by the blow to land against a pillar. Struggling to stand another punch hit him. This time his head snapped back as the fist pounded into his neck, sending his face crashing into the pillar. A furious blast of Yce hurled him across the room. Through the haze of blood Rawr spotted another unicorn, as he reached out to grab it a foot came down on his hand. Unlike most of the Tempest, Rawr was no stranger to pian and only grimaced at the little horn that speared up through his hand. The injury wasn’t one that he need worry about, if he ever got back to Byta it come be fixed up in an overnight stay in the infirmary. Gazing down as his hooded face was one of pure malice. “Any last request before you die filth?!” Rawr looked up from within his hood. Making an effort to fill his voice with pian “Yes, I’d dearly appreciate that coffee I asked for.” Charlotte bared her teeth and spoke through them “Tom…be a good boy and fetch the nice man his coffee.” Tom didn’t bother trying to show expression but said with venom “Why not, it’s the mans final act”. When Tom returned with the coffee Rawr greedily grabbed it and threw back his head and drank. The coffee was foul. Rawr was accustom to strong coffee, but this tasted as though there was more beans than water. Nonetheless Rawr needed the heat and so drank it all gratefully. When he was finished his look up into their eyes and gave them THE grin. This was the grin that could unnerve his friends. This was the grin that caused ordinary people to key the police on their speed dial. This was the grin that could get him through airport customs without a passport and sticks of TNT hanging out of his pockets. This was the grin that made him legend in the Tempest circles. This was the grin that made Chuck Norris squirm. The moment that Charlotte and Tom saw the grin, they realized how truly deep in the shit they were. The boiling, liquid Fyre flew from his fingers of his spare hand. Tom never even had the time to raise a shield before his was carbonised. Charlotte used the time created by his death throes to run for the exit. Rawr pulled the unicorn from his hand and hurled it at her. The horn caught her in the back of the right leg behind the knee, she toppled to the ground where she struggled to rise. A tight ball of Steam came from the room and knocked he out cold. Rawr looked from his target to see Freeman standing across the room. “Next time” Rawr said “You’d better come quicker. Or you might just go missing.” Rawr looked down at the dark stain that was all that was left of Tom, “And that is for making such terrible coffee”. With that, Rawr strode across the room, pulled the little unicorn from Charlottes leg and pocketed it as a souvenir. Then with a single hand he hosted Charlotte over his shoulder, took a final brief glance at Freeman before disappearing in a roar of Fyre, bound for the questioning rooms of Byta. Leaving Freeman to clean up the mess Rawr had made.

Original post:

Chapter 12

Ignore the lack of 12

Chapter 11

The Fyre Chronicles: The Parody

Complaint about spelling count = 11

Also, before anybody becomes confused the { and } brackets marks the main characters thoughts

Plumes of vapour spread out to fog the windscreen of the ramshackle ute. The air outside was below zero, inside the cab of the ute, the temperature was cold enough to break to small steel flask in a matter of moments. Rawr was only slightly more comfortable in his dark long coat with his hood pulled up and the long tial end wrapped around his legs. Rawr growled with frustration as he twisted the stopper on the flask. How damn far away is this diner? Rawr upturned the flask and emptied the bitterly cold liquid into his throat. He gritted his teeth against his clenched stomach and stared out into the storm. After two weeks of watching and hundreds of hours in collective Intel, Rawr had finally confirmed his targets and their activities. Two of the Yce had been actively killing off others with Tempest powers before they could be rescued by their respective sects by luring them into the only hospitable place for kilometres around. Long story short, the targets were killing people before they were found by the Fyre and trained. Rawr muttered aloud, “Hey Freeman, hope you haven’t lost your nerve.” Beside him a form began to materialize, Rawr hated the way the Steam agent kept disappearing when he lest expected it. Strictly speaking, the different sects of the Tempest weren’t always out to kill each other, the sects existed at an uneasy truce that stopped all out war. But if a side were to ignore the truce then the victim’s side was free to extract vengeance. In this way, a balance was kept with out every chance meeting becoming a blood bath. Because the two offending Yce were not only eliminating people from the Fyre but Steam as well, Steam ambassadors insisted that any attempt at payback would be conducted with someone of Steam there to help and “assure our revenge too”. As far as people came Rawr didn’t mind Freeman all that much, he never really talked or tried to start a conversation but suited Rawr just fine. Through the driving whether the feeble headlights reached out into the gloom. The ute ground to a halt and Rawr reached across Freeman to roughly open the door. “Right then, you remember the plan, stick here until I signal for you and them come fast”. Freeman nodded and broke up to floated away on the wind. The plan was relatively simple. Rawr was drinking freezing cold water to dull his Fyre to dupe the two Yce into thinking he was someone who only recently had the Fyre awaken in them. When they thought they had him taken, Freeman would burst in and distract them long enough for Rawr to warm-up to full strength and help subdue them in order to take them into custody. It was a few more minutes of driving through the storm before a brief flicker of light penetrated the gloom. Slowly the old ute pulled up in front of the structure, basking in the hallow glow of the landing lights. Rawr stepped from the cab and cast his eyes around. Several other vehicles where also resting in front of the building. {Superb…witnesse}, Rawr pushed himself through the snow towards the door and pushed it open.

The inside of the seedy diner wasn’t much warmer than outside so most of the patrons kept their heavy snow gear donned. Rawr nearly groaned aloud at the display of Yce patriotism and only narrowly reined his contempt. He took two confident strides before muttering and slowing his strong strides to a shuffle, adopting a more hunched figure. If there was one thing Rawr wasn’t, it was subtle. The cold leather of the bar stool creaked as he placed his weight on it. A scrawny man came to a stop across the counter “Care for anything?” With Rawr’s face hidden by his hood, he carefully studied the man before him noting that unlike the patrons he wasn’t wearing warm clothes, this was one of the two he was searching for but with his Fyre dulled by the icy drink in his belly Rawr didn’t dare make a move now. “Yes, I would deeply appreciate a steaming hot cup of your strongest coffee thank you.” He nodded and yelled without turning “Charlotte, we got a fellow here who needs a bit of firing up. Strongest dark we got!” normally Rawr would have rolled his eyes at the use of such a obvious code word but he was being showered in the mans spittle and so was forced to keep his eyes shut tight. The person who’s name was Charlotte come out to the front to confirm the order, despite the obvious name Rawr was astonished that his second target was female. It was rare through not unheard of that there were female’s possessing the Tempest, most were still born or suffered from deformities that ordinary people passed off a genetic defects such as Down’s Syndrome, which is actual caused by the Tempest only half “infecting” (for a lack off better terms) the subject. Biologically, many females simply weren’t hardy enough to handle the Tempest. Many people had never seen there first birthday because the Tempest was awakened in them before they were strong enough to cope with it. Charlotte was a rather plain woman with high cheek bones the only thing putting her above dead average, at least, average in Rawr’s book. She too didn’t seem fazed by the evident cold. She gave Rawr a quick but clearly insincere smile before turning to the man “Tom when did he come in, he looks like his been stuck in a blizzard all day all alone.” {You don’t know the half of it lady} Tom looked critical at her as though seriously considering her {Now she plays the sweet wife and the husband here will crack} Tom sighed and flipped his palm at her before walking off to see to other customers {Here it comes the inevitable offer} Charlotte turned her gaze down on Rawr who returned a scrutinises glare. “So, come round here often?” she asked {Any moment now} “I travel a lot but it’s my first time here. I like variety and quite frankly I can’t stand to stay in one place for too long” Rawr replied. {Well, well somebody is taking their time} Charlotte smiled before asking “So, do you see much of the world then?” Rawr was beginning to lose patients, {This is taking longer than I thought}, he struggled to pull off a sincere smile, Rawr wasn’t extremely expressive so this was a major accomplishment for him. “Well yes but it does get lonesome sometimes without company, especially on these long trips” {Come on you dumb bitch, take the bloody bait already!} Her smile changed form false charm to a genuine smile. The kind of smile one might see on a new tyrant contemplating his next victory. She leaned closer and whispered into his ear “If it’s company your looking for, head ‘round the back to the far end, there’s a door there, I’ll be waiting for you” she gave him a seductive leer before leaving. Before she could move away from the counter Rawr snatched at her arm. She barely concealed her frustration before turning back, sickening grin already in place. Have Rawr not been noticing, her brief flicker of irritation would had gone unawares. “Yes?” she said. “Don’t I get me coffee?” Rawr asked suddenly concerned. The entire plan hinged in that coffee to warm him up so he could defend himself with the Fyre. Rawr quickly checked to see if Freeman’s signalling device was still in his pocket. The device was a tight knot of Steam that Freeman explained with minimal words that would alert him to assist when help was needed. But Rawr didn’t harbour hopes that Freeman would come and save him if things went bad. Many of these kinds of Op’s frequently had causality’s that “couldn’t be saved” by the survivors. Charlotte spoke, interrupting his grim thoughts “After I’m finished with you I’ll give you as many coffee’s as you like” Rawr knew he was treading on thin ice here “Doesn’t your husband know about this?” he asked, trying to stall for time. He could hear her teeth grating as she replied “That doddering oaf I have sent else where. Come to me before I change my mind!” Rawr knew that if he missed his chance now then he would need to try and capture them out in the open. With ordinary people about as witnesses, he knew no amount of money could bribe them in staying quite forever. Rawr sighed inwardly, this would be a much simpler if he need only kill the two offending Yce. But due to strict protocol he needed to capture them for trial and, unofficially, probed for information. Those two Yce however would have no qualms about killing him and Freeman {If Freeman hasn’t already scampered off that is} With a soft curse, more directed at politicians in general rather than his predicament he nodded and scraped his stool as he headed for the door. He wasn’t particularly worried about the situation. Rawr had been in many a life and death situation before. His talent for getting out of such trouble was legend. Even more so in the other sects of the Tempest. And Charlotte was about to find out why.

Original post:

Chapter 10

The Fyre Chronicles: The Parody

Complaint about spelling count = 10

The weeks after Tehvirusses death left everyone in a state of shock. By the end of the first day, delegations had been sent out to meet with the other sects of the Tempest to ask if they’d been involved. By the end of the second, people walked the halls of Byta in pairs and guards had been posted at major junctions. By the end of the third, teams of six were sweeping the entirety of Byta in an effort to find the killer. For the most part the Admin spent their time locked away issuing orders and conferring to themselves. Rumours about what had happened sprung up at every turn, many were mere fanatics but some were uncomfortably close to the truth. But all had in common the way Tehviruss had died, having his Fyre completely expunged. In the confusion nobody seemed to notice that Chimerea had changed dramatically, seldom speaking and avoiding public areas. Sometimes I felt that he was tailing me for some perplexing reason. This morning I was to go with Grimlock as well as Qbix, Xthakila and Edot in order to mend some plumbing. As mundane as it sounded, Defnop552 insisted that I now had to work my share for Byta’s upkeep. And so with the sun yet to rise and Qbix hauling our equipment in a suit case with a odd heart decal on it, we set off dutifully to what promised to be an extremely dull day. Slowly we wound our way through the maze of copper pipes and oppressive fog. Edot was in the lead was picking a safe path through the scalding pipes when he called out “Found one!” we shuffled to the side to allow Qbix through, we didn’t wait for the hulking Grimlock to pass but instead we scurried ahead so as to avoid being pushed onto the burning pipes. Grimlock was in a foul mood, due to his prodigious size he was stumbling into the pipes constantly and had spent the entire trip muttering or shouting a phenomenal quantity of inventive curses. We made our way forth, squinting against the cloak fog and steam, Edot was standing near a ruptured pipe that was hissing a large quantity of the steam in the air, leaving a large amount of water puddled on the floor. Not having even begun work and already soaked, we moved past Edot to give Grimlock the space he needed. Donning the thick leather gloves he grabbed the sides of the hissing pipe and pushed them together. Slowly the resistance if the copper gave way to Grimlocks bulk. Edot flicked his finger in an effort to ignite the Fyre, after a few attempts he succeed and pointed his finger at the split before sending a bright stream of Fyre across the small distance to weld the hole shut. Instantly the fog was expelled for the area, giving us short reprieve before flooding back in. We continued to move along in search for more leaks. As we walked I suddenly stopped, causeing several people to run into the back of me in a chorus of irritated mutterings. Ignoring their complaints I asked “Something’s rattling up that way I said pointing to a small maintenance passage. With an exasperated sigh Qbix pushed me up in the direction I’d gestured, “You lot keep moving along. I’ll go with Sherlock here and see what’s happening” With a deep breath of exhausted patience he gave me another push to send me down the passage. I was in the lead and was getting decidedly uncomfortable about the odd rattling coming from further on. The sound grew louder and I started to squint through the fog to try and make out what was the cause of the noise. Through the gloom a shadow slowly materialized, I suddenly noticed that what I was seeing way a dishevelled man with his hands and feet bound in chains the clinked as he walked. Each wrist was swollen and had dried blood around the edges of the manacles. “Hey! What are you doing down here? Who are you?” At the sound of my voice his head jerked up, slowly a smile spread across his face. “Ahh, so mortal have you come to take me from this place…hmm?” I looked confusedly at him “Er…what do you mean by ‘mortal’” he chuckled slightly and shook his head. “How do you not know of me? I am Sangheili God…Lord of Fyre” I frowned and turned back at Qbix, he was as pale as snow. He whispered quietly to me “We need to leave NOW. This guy is a mental, not by the Fyres doing but by his own. We locked him up because he thinks he is the ruler of Fyre and so believes he holds dominance over us. He seeks to make us slaves and by killing us off one by one he will find the foretold Chosen One when he is bested. In doing so he wanted to bring about a new war.” I was about to ask why when Qbix launched a Fyreball at Sangheili God and puled me down another tunnel. Behind us Sangheili God howled in rage and gave chase. As we ran through the cramped tunnel bumping into the walls as we sprinted away. Constant bursts of heat were the only indication needed to prove that Sangheili God was trying to kill us. I began to wonder why he hadn’t already hit us when a blot from the large pipe along side us shot out of its place and hit the opposite wall with deadly force. Through the whipping wind I heard Qbix’s voice bellow out “Use double shields quickly!” as soon I the shields had been conjured a storm of blots exploded from their housing and thundered against the opposing wall. One of the missiles hurtled through my outer “monitor” shield, causing the second to flare up and catch the projectile before it hit me, each explosion was deafening and released a blast of steaming water. The confined corridor became a symphony of ear shattering explosions. “His heating the water in the pipes to make them explode!” as if to punctuate my point, a wide spar of pipe hurtled down the tunnel and glanced of Qbix’s shields. Although it didn’t physical harm him, the force of the blow was ample to throw him in a dizzying spiral. His shield flared and under the withering barrage began to crackle under the strain. We continued our headlong sprint. The water was climbing above our shins and breathing was becoming more difficult. At the sound of a noticeably louder bang I threw myself forward, catching Qbix and pulled him to the ground as a large object whistled overhead. The chase and the near continues use of shields had completely exhausted Qbix. A direct hit from another solid object would collapse his shields and then he’d be at the mercy of the raving lunatic behind us. He’d be too worn out to keep running. Another cloud of hot water burst for a joint to our right and swept us off our feet. Flicking strands of burning hair from my eyes I turned to look down the tunnel. “Stay here.” I said, “I’m going to end this” Qbix gasped “ Don’t, he can rechannel your Fyre. It’s suicide!” but I’d already left him. I was in no danger from other explosion as the area behind us had been decimated. Through the gloom I spotted Sangheili God. I was tempted to ask him why he was trying to kill us but that sort of thing only worked in dumb clichéd movies. I promptly launched a Fyreball at him but the steam in the air choked the Fyre and it petered out before it reached its target. This time I compensated and hurled a larger and more powerful ball but found it screaming back at me. Caught unawares I was thrown back a few meters, when I looked up I saw him standing over me, grinning madly. “How many must I kill before I find him? How many must die before I find the Chosen?” he rasped. I only stared mutely back, he shrugged “Oh well, guess I will just need to keep looking” he said smiling rasing his hand over his head, Fyre slowly growing over his palm, a glint off the executioners blade. In my life there were times when I wish I had acted but failed to and so regretted it, this time I didn’t miss a beat. Swiftly I raised my fist at him and pumped my power into it, liquid light shot out and consumed everything in its way. Over the roar of the water and the howl of my concentrated Fyre, Sangheili God final words sounded but a whisper…”Found you!”
In the aftermath of my assault work crews would come to repair the damage would find a perfectly circular hole that had burned through the lower levels of Byta, spanned the chasm and continued for some few hundred meters through the earth on the far side before eventually stopping. Sangheili God was blamed for Tehvirusses death and in a wild attempt to kill Qbix and me accidentally carbonised himself while burning the hole. I didn’t offer to tell anybody what really happened, not even Qbix. Everyone congratulated us on our slim escape, but Sangheili God’s final words haunted me. After all that had happened I could understand Ian’s fears of a Chosen…as the prophesy foretold, ‘The coming of a Chosen heralds war”

Original post:

Chapter 9

Again, we will ignore the off-numbered chapters...

Chapter 8

The Fyre Chronicals: The Parody

Complaint about spelling count = 8

“Come on hurry up!” snapped the diminutive individual near me. I scowled at him before returning my focus to the cup in front of me. I felt a sharp rap on the back of my head. “Don’t look at me you twit look at the damn cup!” I held my tongue and continued the dull staring. For two months now I’d been working with a tiny person who went by the name of Defnop552 who had obviously come from the upper class as he wore a top hat along with glasses and a respectable moustache. Unfortunately for him he had changed so that he was about the size of a baby with a comically large nose. I soon learned that the tiny combat trainers appearance was very deceptive. For most of the time I’d spent learning to use Fyreballs for attacking and defensive purposes and I was rather adept at creating Fyre in my fist. How ever I was still having trouble warming objects by creating the Fyre inside it as I was trying to do with the cup now. So far I’d only warmed it to Defnop552 satisfaction a few times. I was sorely tempted to just make the cup explode with heat but Defnop552 insisted I learn control. Over the months here I’d learned a lot about Byta’s background and its little secrets. Usually now my day would be an orderly routine of exercise than my lessons and perhaps some sparing with other people before an hour or so of Xbox Live and then bed. I’d began to discover odd things about the way people had been affected by the Fyre that I’d not expected. It’d started during a sparing lesson when I was “fighting” NightReaper5. As we had entered what Defnop552 would call a grapple but everyone else would call a pitched brawl, had accidentally poked him in his eyes. To my astonishment my finger went right through as though there were no eyes. Later he showed me that he could stick a knife right through until it disappeared completely…it was almost as though he was hollow. So in the time that I had to myself I went and tried to see how else people had changed in those subtle ways. I was surprised to say the lest. After having seen what NightReaper 5 could do I eventually managed to find the group of people I trusted the most at the same place and at the same time. These were the people who had originally found and taken care of me during my period of adjustment. As it turned out they were more than happy to show what was special about them. Tehviruss it seemed, had a talent for finding what was meant to remain hidden, Delta0Medusa had amazing reaction times and could see in every direction at once due to having snakes for hair. GuzzieStyle apparently could to a degree grant wishes…but for some reason they became corrupted very quickly. San Ting’s fiery red and gold hair also was more than we expected. Oddly enough this was the first time anybody had ask him about his special talent so many people also took intrest as he plucked out one of his longer hairs and passed it around so it could be inspected closely. As it turned out the hair was a delicate shimmering thread of Fyre. Smiling secretively he pulled out what appeared to by a small wad of his hair, but when he pulled on it, it expanded into shimmering tapestry. He also pulled out a second one and pulled it “open” o revel a large map with a miniscule spark to represent his position. Once open he could make the edges fold in on themselves and the centre expand in so as “zoom” in. My mind abruptly stopped it’s wandering as Defnop552 slapped me on the back. “What, what did I do now?” Defnop552 lifted the cup and sniffed it before turning to look at me “Brilliant job! You’ve managed to heat it just the way I like it.” I caught a whiff of coffee and realized why he had been getting impatent. Defnop552 quickly flexed his fingers and tossed a message Fyreball at me. “I reckon your doing quite well. You should join the tournament, here’s some directions for entire if you’re interested” obviously the drink had brightened his mood, I thanked him and left to get lunch but I was still confuse at why the cup had been heated when I had lost focus. I dismissed this thought as just plain luck. As I walked I began to think about what he’d suggested. The tournament happened once a month where competitors went through a series of challenges before battling each other for the bragging rights of victory. When I reached the mess hall I told my friends what Defnop552 had said. “I do believe you would excel if you were foolish enough to attempt it.” I still hadn’t managed to get over the way Rawr spoke with a slow, deep, evil, menacing tone that reminded you of perhaps a demon or a serial killed who enjoyed drinking the tears of children. And the fact that his eyes were always shadowed and glinted when they looked at you didn’t help. “I’d say Rawr is right you be fine” commented Big Ease quite oblivious to my discomfort. Needless to say there wasn’t much of an argument with everyone agreeing that I should do it so I did. A week passed and I worked myself harder that I’d done in a long time, practicing my skills until I felt completely confident. One day I received a Fyreball that told me where the competition was to be held and that if I wanted to compete than I should make my way to the “Amphitheatre”. When I arrived with the other competitors, some of which I knew, I stopped in shock at what I was seeing. Before me was huge racks of seats that evidently were meant to be taken by all the occupants of Byta. It distinctly reminded me of the cut scene in Halo 2 where the Arbiter was to be punished for all the Covenant to see. Except in reverse. I was at the bottom and everyone else was above me. The Admin took their places at the front as the judges and went through a long introduction ceremony that was extended as they made reference to Deacons death. Eventually they stopped and the pre-game challenges began. Most were easily completed such as hitting targets and the like. When the final challenge came so too did my apprehension. The final challenge before the sparing began was to stand on a very high and very thin poll while the crowd tried to topple you by hurling Fyreballs or paper or any thing distracting. As some of the competitors began to take falls I was getting concerned, I hadn’t prepared for this and now I going to lose before even reaching that task I’d trained for. When my turn came I used the Fyre to alighted on top of the pole and prepared myself for the onslaught. A Fyreball hurtled from above but the maker hadn’t put much effort into the throw and I easily deflected it. Suddenly someone dropped a bucket of water on me and I nearly lost my balance but a quick burst of Fyre held me up right. Soon I was being pelted with all sorts of objects. Defnop552 evidently knew this was coming and this is why he offered for me to participate. THAT thought got me really annoyed, if Defnop552 did that so I’d fail and it would teach me humility than he was SORLY mistaken. And without hesitation I unleashed my anger, fuelled by Fyre. A burning hot glow surrounded me and then it solidified. Around me a large ball of golden, liquid light slowly swirled around me in almost dream like patterns. I had no idea how long I held it there but I released the power and to my surprise…fell. I thumped back to the ground and looked up. Most of the crowd was still sitting there quietly staring at me. Over to the side a panicked Chimerea was struggling against several people while shouting “Invalid event! Fatal error! Doesn’t fit logic!” Behind me one of the Admin; Ian ran up to me and roughly grabbed me “Shit man are you alright?” I pushed him away muttering that I was fine. I felt strange. I knew that there should had been some side effects from using that much power but I wasn’t even fatigued. Ian stared “Are you sure? Using that much power should have killed you, it would’ve killed ME!” I only looked blankly at him. He clamped his hand over my arm and started to pull me away form my friend that were coming to see if I was alright. Ian led me into a small room and turned around to face me. “TKD Sketch delivered a report to me when you were found and rescued, he said that there had been a fight as obvious as it was but you were the only witness with us now. I NEED to know every thing that happened to the smallest detail.” So I told him. When I had finished he shook his head “Does any body else know about this?” I considered not revealing Tehviruss’s knowledge but Ian seem very worried. The moment Tehviruss’s name left my lips a message Fyreball was thundering down the corridor. “Why is this so important?” I asked. He didn’t answer me asides from muttering under his breath about “too soon” so I decided to sit quietly. A few minutes later the Fyreball returned. When he received it Ian frowned, his frown slowly melted away into shocked disbelief. He looked at me and cleared his throat. He took several deep breaths before slowly saying “Tehviruss is dead”

Original post:

Chapter 7

The Fyre chronicals: the parody

Complaint about spelling count = 7

Staring glumly at today’s cold gruel while trying to ignore my aching body I looked up at my companions. “So I’m dragging the truck along the ground and getting nowhere. And after what seems like an hour…(my throat closes up)…he say ‘maybe it would be easier if I’d taken off the parking brake.’” Around me people shared laughter at my expense. Gu turned his enormous, red mechanical eye my way while shrugging “Ah well, look on the bright side, pretty so you won’t need Professor Hojo’s exercise regime. I too had noticed that despite I’d been with Professor Hojo only a week I’d bulked up expediently. Nobody had bothered to explain how this had happened. Hojo mentioned It in passing but hadn’t really explained why having the Fyre helped grow fitter, faster but apparently it was a natural side effect that effected everybody. Some people became huge hulking monstrosities more muscle then…well…anything! I glanced to the aptly named Dualfinger who’d had his four fingers merge into two because of the Fyre. Now he looked at me and motioned to my miserable bowl of food. “Are you going to eat that cold mate?” he asked. Almost sarcastically I held up my finger and a bright spot ignited above the tip. Rolling the little Fyreball around on my hand I replied, “This is as much as I can do without Hojo clouting the back of my head and giving me a lecture on Fyre safety.” Dualfinger didn’t look convinced. “It doesn’t take all that much power heat up your meal y’know.” across the room the faint words “Syntax error!” drifted over. I sighed “Fine I’ll give it a shot but only this once.” A small mutter of encouragement passed around the table. Some people came over looking curiously at the little knot of onlookers. I grimaced and hunched over my bowl starting intently at it, trying to ignore all the eyes looking at me. My eyes slowly narrowed as I tried to recapture the feeling I felt at the fight that started all this. I kept staring. Slowly the minutes ticked passed and some people began to lose interest and walk away. Now I was really feeling like an idiot. How was I supposed to do anything under this stress?! Silently I cursed Dualfinger for putting me up to this, and than something odd happened. The meal spontaneously exploded, launching steaming hot spaghetti shrapnel over the mess hall. I shot Dualfinger a withering glance. But he only stared silently at me, a tiny smirk on his face. A raucous cheer went up around the room, shortly followed with both laughter and groans, the latter from those who caught the worst of the explosion. There was no cheering from those around my. Just frantic attempts to brush off the sizzling sustenance. Some people, such as Dual had managed to dive out of the way of a majority of the food. But seeing Dual lose his smirk and quickly begin to pick a scalding meatball off his shoulder did little to lighten my mood. Due to the fact that I was me who was hunched over the bowl to begin with and thus I had gotten a face full of the now hot paste. Needless to say getting the food off my face was high on my priority list. About two minutes of frantic scrabbling later most of the Food had been clear up before any of the Admin had come to the mess hall. I worked my way back to my dormitory bathroom and once there I began to scrap off the sticky residual. When ihad finished I looked up to see Delta0Medusa watching me. “I hear you’ve created quite a stir in the mess hall today.” “Word travels quickly here.” He shrugged and flopped down on his bed and kicked the far wall. The edge rose up to revel a shiny screen and an Xbox. Which he promptly put to use. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. “I didn’t know we had one of those” again he shrugged “Your aren’t meant to. At lest not for a while after you arrive. To distracting…apparently.” I growled before starting off to meet Professor Hojo at the same room we first been introduced. As I strode the magnificent halls of Byta I suddenly noticed that there wasn’t as much people as I originally thought. On my first walk through here I’d thought the place was bustling with activity only now after I’d meet many of the people did I realize that there were not the thousands that I’d envisioned. Lost in my thoughts I found myself at Hojo’s door before I expected it. Upon entering I could tell something was different. No heavy lifting gear was present. I suspected that it was one of his “jokes”. He sat behind his desk and looked at me, “I believe it’s time you learned about the Fyre.” Instead of looking dumbstruck as evidently he imagined I held a cynical expression “I thought you said I was not even near my peak physical strength.” He hesitated before answering “Well that’s true but look here, if you were at you were at the peak of power I you made a mistake you’d let out too much power for me to effectively plug. So I’ve advanced your training. Not that you will stop your physical training but it is time to move on.” Slowly I nodded, digesting the implications of what he said. “Fine, let’s get started.”

Original post:

Chapter 6

The Fyre chronicals: the parody

Complaint about spelling count = 6

Nervously I edged closer to the abyss. Below me the ground plummeted away into faint red glow. I turned back to Professor Hojo who had managed to keep up with me the whole time. “Are you absolutely certain about this?” Professor Hojo gave a mockingly warm smile and motioned over to edge. I turned and took a deep breath and launched my foot over the side. For an instant I felt my stomach rise to my throat in apprehension before my foot slammed down on the thin crystal bridge that spanned the chasm. With another encouraging push from Professor Hojo I began to trot out to the centre of the bridge. I knew that there was no need to feel disturbed by walking on the bridge, a fact I attributed to having nearly 100 people on it at a time. But the structure looked so gravity defying, so architecturally unsound I was sure it would break up. Worst of all the bridge only appeared thin and delicate from a vast distance away. In actual fact the bridge was a extremely vast structure. A great plaza in the middle of a chasm. Professor Hojo gave me another shove to push me on. Hefting the bag of rocks I staggered out over the bridge. Dodging people and the questions they threw at me I finally reached the centre of the bridge and looked back towards the main complex of Byta. Covered in a reflective gold sheen, Byta hung from the chasm walls like a limpet on a rock. In a rough diamond shape, the buildings jutted from the wall.I took several seconds to take in the magnificent sight before I bent my head down and began to trot back towards Professor Hojo’s room. Nearly an hour later I threw the pack to the floor and flopped down along side it, sweat streaking my face. Professor Hojo had some how managed to keep up with me without so much as a bead of sweat. “Right, showers are in your dormitories, head back there and get yourself cleaned up. You should already know where the mess hall is. I’d advise you to eat while you can and then-“ he handed me a slip of paper “Then follow those directions for your next…lesson” numbly I placed the paper in my pocket. “What about all those people out there? Do they do this kind of thing? I asked. “Oh certainly, but they already understand the Fyre and maintain their fitness by themselves. We need to train you however because your body isn’t used to the kind of strain necessary to use the Fyre.” I remembered how I’d struck out at the Yce, on later consideration I didn’t actually feel particularly exhausted when I attacked him. I wanted to point this out but I remembered how tehviruss had reacted and decided against it. The way I shambled back to my room would have shamed a zombie. My muscles ached so badly that my face was strewn with tears more so than sweat. Delta0Medusa was sitting in one of the small chairs of the room talking to San Ting and a ridiculously tall person whose eyes were pitch black. Although Delta0Medusa was facing away from me he said “Ahh…your back. Looks like Professor Hojo gave you a good work out.” San Ting turned to me and grimaced at my soaking body. “Well…THAT brings back memories.” He said looking apologetically at me. “Not meaning to be rude of course. Everyone starts out a mess like you.” I nodded at the newcomer. “Oh this is NightReaper5, some cloths are waiting onside the showers.” For the first time I noticed how everyone was wearing the same clothes. A sage colour with the picture of a stick man with his head on fire. “Ok, thanks…here hold this.” I gave San Ting the slip of paper. He frowned, “There’s a better way to carry messages you know.” He showed me the creation of a message Fyreball. “But Professor Hojo said I shouldn’t use the Fyre until I was stronger physically.” NightReaper5 interjected “Nobody is so weak that they cant’ pull off a messager Fyreball. Even people who are unconscious have enough power.” I thought about this and agreed. Turned out that message Fyreballs are just Fyreballs made in a elaborate way so that they can’t be “read”. Apparently it’s more like feeling the meaning rather than understanding it. After a few practice runs I finally got the gist of it. I cleaned myself and donned the plain clothes of dark sage. After that I thanked them and headed to the mess hall with my new talent and messenger Fyreball to guiding me to my next area after eating. At the table I found myself across from someone with a glum look on his face. “You alright?” I asked before noticing he was listening to an Ipod. Pulling out the ear phones he squinted at me. “Sorry, I was unable to understand the nature of you question.” Slightly taken aback I said “Well you had your head down and I though that you were, y’know…upset.” “Syntax error” “What?” he pulled out a scary looking sock puppet and stuffed his Ipod inside before looking at me critical. “Y’know, is invalid statement. Suggest correction to ‘you know’” I frowned but stayed polite. “My name is-” he interrupted. “I have acknowledged your presence. I am Chimerea” I decide to ignore him. Evidently the Fyre not only changed physical appearances but also mental ones as well, this I’d best ask about. Turning from him I focused on my cold food. Deciding not to risk burning my food with an attempt at heating it with Fyre I bolted my food and left for the place Professor Hojo wanted me. I opened the door and stopped. Professor Hojo was waiting on the hood of a large truck with its bull bar connected to a tether and a harness. There appeared to be rungs on the floor, and all around I heard people groaning as they pulled the trucks along the ground. Professor Hojo looked at me while grinning. I looked at the tons of steel before me “No, no no no no no!”

Original post:

Chapter 5

Well lightly skip the fact that Dualfinger miscounted his chapters when he now began using chapter numbers. XD

Chapter 4

The Fyre chronicles: The Parody

Tehviruss knockee on the door. “Hey Delty, you in there?” “yeah hold on….ok you can come in now!” came the muffled voice. The door opened and I stepped inside. “Hi how are you?’ said the person in front of me. Letting out a cry of shock I dove back outside the door. Tehviruss burst out laughing. I could only stare at him, for inside to door was a guy with snakes for hair. “Sorry mate I forgot. Look Delta0Medusa isn’t going to turn you to stone. His just …changed because of the Fyre.” Tehviruss told me. “Will it happen to me I?” asked nervously. “Well yeah, did you think San Ting or I used to have hair like this?”. “I though that San Ting had some Nordic background!” I protested. Delta0Medusa walked out of the room to see me flinch “Oh get over it you pansy, my amulet is what stopes me freezing people, but you keep that up and I’ll-“ he stopped and whipped of the necklace and stared at me. Needless to say I squeezed my eyes shut. I hear a sigh “Look I can’t turn people to stone ok, something this dramatic isn’t likely to happen to you, probably something boring like your eyes will change colour something. All I am is your room mate for now.” I slowly uncurled. “Look, the fact is that people aren’t suited to the Fyre, so to accommodate it the Fyre needs to make some subtle changes. Only someone whom is a true being of the Fyre will go unchanged.”. That night was one of broken sleep. In the morning Delta0Medusa took me to get food. After I had recived it I took a bite and gaged. “W-what? This is cold!” Delta0Medusa smirked, “We think of it as an incentive to try harder with learning about the Fyre.” He stood up an began to leave. “Enjoy!”. With my meal a hard lump in my belly, I began to follow the instructions that I had been given yesterday in order to find Professor Hojo. After getting lost twice and sidetracked thee times I final found where I was meant to go. When I got through the door I found Professor Hojo waiting for me. He was a wiry and almost deranged looking, just like the cartoon mad scientists. On his plain shirt was a strange triangular symbol. “What’s the picture on your shirt mean?” I asked having learnt last night that everyone seemed to have something that represented them like TKD Ske7ch’s teddy bear or GuzzieStyle’s badge. Delta0Medusa said something to do with “Messenger Fyreballs” but at the time I was rather preoccupied by his hair/snakes. “It is meant to symbolize the connection and balance between Fyre, Yce, Steam and Watyr.” Professor Hojo cleared his throat and asked “So, do you want to learn about how to use the Fyre?” “Well, not really all I want is to-” I was cut off for what felt like the thousandth time. “Yes or no?” I sighed with exasperation. “Yes” “Good then! Now would you consider yourself fit or not?” I gave him a sidelong look and replied “I’ve been sitting in an office cubical for the last 9 years but why do-” infuriatingly he talked over me again. “Right…here put this on.” He hoisted a backpack at me. When I caught it I heard a crunching sound from inside, and judging by the fact that it hurled me to the ground, I deduced that there were rocks inside. “Put that on and then run down to that bridge there and back again” he said as he gestured to one of the spindly bridges that I’d seen yesterday. “Why do I need to do this, isn’t Fyre controlled with the mind?” Professor Hojo shook his head while muttering something about always the same question “Yes Fyre is controlled by the mind but you can only unleash Fyre if your body can handle the strain. Anybody could destroy the world with the Fyre but their bodies would expire before they could draw on that kind of power. Consider that Fyre isn’t technical a power but we say it is because that is as close to understanding its nature as we are ever likely to get, people don’t have a natural reservoir of Fyre, we are merely a vessel for it, a symbion life, both existing together, neither controlling the other. Only manipulating, I’m sure you’ve seen some people that are a bit out of the ordinary have you not? You either have it or you don’t. This applies to all entities of the Tempest. If you are injured in a fight, you’d notice that you can’t draw as much Fyre as usually for fear of the consequences. Thus it is important to be as physically strong as possibly to be able to use more Fyre and for longer.” I remembered how Decons Fyre beam slowly got smaller. So it wasn’t because he couldn’t draw more Fyre, he just knew that if he did, he’d die. ‘Bit late’ I thought ‘If I’m in the same situation I’m going to just let it all out. If I die at lest I’ll take me enemies with me.’ I was jerked from my thoughts as Professor Hojo gave me a push to get me moving. “Come on, GO! We need to move on to more important work, move!” I scowled as I trotted out of the room. I knew for certain that I would not enjoy the next few days but it must get better at some point.

Original post:

Chapter 3

The Fyre chronicles: The Parody

“WHAT THE FUCK” was all that I could say. “calm dom were here to help you” said the one who called himself TKD Ske7ch. After a few minutes of ranting I final sighed and apologised for being so uptight. Guzzie smiled and said he knew how I felt. They called over a short gur with oddly yellow hair and a goatee and introduced me to tehviruss and told me he’d show e to the lace I would stay. For the first time I looked around the place I was in and couldn’t help but gasp. Soaring golden arches sourronded me with epic views of the sky through impossible beautiful glass windows. “Right well I gues you’ll need a history lesson then” my comaion said. I nodded dumbly. “Ok so after what we call the last war between all that have the power of the Tempest manifested in them (He cut off my question before I could ask) The “Tempest” is the general term used when talking about the different sects of Fyre, Yce, Steam and Watyr. Watyr was the strongest of the sects but were eradicated for this reason during the last war. The survivors of the war made a pact to not attack anyone on their home turf, this is why you were attack out in the open.”

“But how did they find me, how did YOU find me?”

”Well when you use the Fyre or any other power for that matter it creates a ripple effect that can be picked up by anyone.” I considered what I’d been told. “But if the was is over why did Yce try to kill me? And what was that Waty-“ I bit my tongue to stop form saying “Watyr but it was too late. He looked at me “ What did you say?”

“Answer my question and I’ll tell you” tehviruss scowled and spoke quickly “Just because the war has ended doesn’t mean the conflict has now tell me about this Watyr! You must tell me, one of the Admin, a survivor gave his life to get you here don’t let him die in vain”

“When the person with the Fyre-“ “Decon” tehviruss interrupted. I frowned and started again “When Decon was losing aganst the Yce his stream of energy reached a certain size and then there was a monster explosion and the Watyr guy came and killed both.” I deliberately left out the part where the Watyr said he’d later kill me “Then San Ting, GuzzieStyle and TKD Ske7ch showed up and the Watyr left”. The viruss look worried, “Listen, you must not tell any else alright? People miht panic if they think another Watyr might be on the lose.” “I wasn’t planning on telling them.” Tehviruss nodded and then pushed me down a corridor. “I think you should see this, it’ll help take your mind off what’s happened. We reached a balcony and at tehvirusses gesture I looked over the edge, my jaw dropped and everything fled my mind. Beneath me was an enormous chasm, appearing to stretch on forever into darkness. Over the abyss were delicate and spindly bridges made of the same strange glass as were on the domes. Without turning back to tehviruss I asked “B-but how?” with a soft chuckle he replied “this is the site where a small squad of soldiers from each sect fought. See now why it was critical to end the war?” I nodded slowly, unable to remove my eyes from the vast spectical. “Come on,I need to show you to your bunk, you can save your questions for Professor Hojo, he can answer them better than me.” And so I slowly walked away from the sight to being my new life.

Original post:

Chapter 2

The Fyre chronicals: The parody part 2

Suddenly I felt the urge to smack myself. A VOW? Well I thought maybe it would add determinate to avenge this other being of Fyre.Abruptly I sat down and held my head in my hands, for the first time in my life I felt truly alone. 'Well not really' I thought. glanceing at the sky, then with a violent burst of heat I was thrown forwards to come crashing down to the shattered cement. I turned, my rage at the death of the man causing my Fyre to burn high, a ball of seething energy growing in my fist. Before me three people stood, oddly, they too had the Fyre. What was this? Perhaps the Fyre wasn't as uncommon as I believed. My thoughts were interuppted when one of them whispered "Damn, they got Decon". The one who spoke looked at me, "Come here. We've got to leave before any more arrive". Before I could protest they jerked me off my feet and with a bright burst of light and heat we left the battle site.

For the what felt like the hundredth time i collapsed the the floor, gdragging in air. "Easy pal, just clam down" I looked incredulusly at the speaker. " Is ok, your safe now. Name's San Ting, this is GuzzieStyle and TKD Ske7ch. Welcome the Byta, the home and sanctury of those possesing the Fyre!"


Original post:

Chapter 1

The Fyre Chronicals, The Paradoy

My skin blister under the substantal energy been unleashed, suddenly, in a violent symphony of Fyre and Yce, both combatants were blown back and fell heavily to the ground. Where the too powerful forces meet their stood a new being of power. Ny eye widened at the sight of the legendary Watyr. Yce (my boss) tremeled and cowerd before being liquidated and hurled at the Fyre welider. His power expunged Watyr then proceded to turn to me and look at the small spark of Fyre sourronding my head. Regarding me with disdane
"I'll let you live for now, you might make some entertianing sport in the future. I'll be watching you."
With a wild bout of laughter Watyr evaporated and departed into the sky. Miserably I troted over to the other Fyre user. He was in a bad way, " LIsten *gasp*, you have no idea what has been unleashed, you must stop Watyr or all of Forum is lost" I stood from his slowy cooling corpse and vowed vengence on Watyr and all his minions.


Original post:


This is the parody of TFCH created by Dualfinger on

It was originally a little side story created to 'parody' the main story but has since taken off to be a story able to stand on it's own. As the writer of TFCH, I am honored that Dualfinger still wants to post them under the TFCH name.

It first began in the Chapter 6 fyreball, and Dualfinger has posted one in every new chapter fyreball ever since.

All chapters is unedited as the 'poor' spelling Dualfinger had at the time is an important part.


- Ting