Monday, June 9, 2008

Chapter 1

The Fyre Chronicals, The Paradoy

My skin blister under the substantal energy been unleashed, suddenly, in a violent symphony of Fyre and Yce, both combatants were blown back and fell heavily to the ground. Where the too powerful forces meet their stood a new being of power. Ny eye widened at the sight of the legendary Watyr. Yce (my boss) tremeled and cowerd before being liquidated and hurled at the Fyre welider. His power expunged Watyr then proceded to turn to me and look at the small spark of Fyre sourronding my head. Regarding me with disdane
"I'll let you live for now, you might make some entertianing sport in the future. I'll be watching you."
With a wild bout of laughter Watyr evaporated and departed into the sky. Miserably I troted over to the other Fyre user. He was in a bad way, " LIsten *gasp*, you have no idea what has been unleashed, you must stop Watyr or all of Forum is lost" I stood from his slowy cooling corpse and vowed vengence on Watyr and all his minions.


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